An edited volume exploring the role of technology in the intersecting lives of humans and animals. Published with University of Pittsburgh Press in October 2024.

Edited by Finn Arne Jørgensen and Dolly Jørgensen Coming October 2024. University of Pittsburgh Press. Book website. Human and animal lives intersect, whether through direct physical contact or by inhabiting the same space at a different time. Environmental humanities scholars have begun investigating these relationships through the emerging field of multispecies studies, building on decades of work in animal history, feminist studies, and Indigenous epistemologies. Contributors to this volume consider the entangled human-animal relationships of a complex multispecies world, where domesticated animals, wild animals, and people cross paths, creating hybrid naturecultures. Technology, they argue, structures how animals and humans share spaces. From clothing to cars to computers, technology acts as a mediator and connector of lives across time and space. It facilitates ways of looking at, measuring, moving, and killing, as well as controlling, containing, conserving, and cooperating with animals. Sharing Spaces challenges us to analyze how technology shapes human relationships with the nonhuman world, exploring nonhuman animals as kin, companions, food, transgressors, entertainment, and tools.

A volume collecting and documenting the contents of our co-edited blog Ant Spider Bee, whose mission was to engage academics and practitioners in exploration, discussion, and reflection on digital practices, methodologies, and applications in environmental humanities work.

Ant Spider Bee: Chronicling Digital Transformations in Environmental HumanitiesEdited by Kimberly Coulter, Wilko Graf von Hardenberg, and Finn Arne Jørgensenspider & cloudAugust 2021ISBN: 978-3-95925-190-7 Inspired by Francis Bacon’s ant, spider, and bee as models of collecting, processing, and transforming knowledge, Kimberly Coulter, Wilko Graf von Hardenberg, and Finn Arne Jørgensen founded the blog Ant Spider Bee to reflect on ways technology was transforming the epistemologies, methods, and dissemination of environmental humanities research. As a kind of time capsule with essays and embedded media by thirty authors, as well as reflections on the project’s own digital practices, this open-access e-book presents snapshots of transformations in knowledge practices during a period of rapid change. The men of experiment are like the ant, they only collect and use; the reasoners resemble spiders, who make cobwebs out of their own substance. But the bee takes a middle course: it gathers its material from the flowers of the garden and of the field, but transforms and digests it by a power of its own.—Francis Bacon, Novum Organum (1620) Available now in Open Access electronic edition.

Silver Linings: Clouds in Art and Science is a cross-disciplinary anthology that examines clouds from perspectives that intersect both art and science. Through 27 contributions, readers learn about what clouds can be, not only as water droplets and smoke, but also as dust and data, and how they have been interpreted and portrayed by artists and scientists during the last two centuries.

Silver Linings: Clouds in Art and ScienceEdited by Dolly Jørgensen and Finn Arne JørgensenMuseumsforlagetMarch 2020360 Pages, 15 x 23 cmISBN: 9788283050899 Silver Linings: Clouds in Art and Science er en tverrfaglig antologi som undersøker skyer i skjæringsfeltet kunst og vitenskap. Gjennom tjuesju bidrag får leseren kjennskap til hva skyer egentlig er, både som vanndråper, røyk, støv eller data, og hvordan de har blitt fortolket og portrettert av kunstnere og vitenskapsfolk gjennom de siste to hundre år. Utgivelsen er et resultat av et tverrfaglig samarbeid mellom Universitetet i Stavanger og Stavanger kunstmuseum for å samle samtidskunstnere og akademikere til et felles forskningsverksted. Redaktørene Dolly Jørgensen og Finn Arne Jørgensen er henholdsvis professor i historie og miljøhistorie ved Universitetet i Stavanger, og har utviklet The Greenhouse som et tverrfaglig programområde ved Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora. Cloud timelapse over Stavanger. Silver Linings: Clouds in Art and Science is a cross-disciplinary anthology that examines clouds from perspectives that intersect both art and science. Through 27 contributions, readers learn about what clouds can be, not only as water droplets and smoke, but also as dust and data, and how they have been interpreted and portrayed by artists and scientists during the last two centuries. The book is the result of a collaborative project between the University of Stavanger and Stavanger Art Museum, the aim of which was to bring together contemporary artists and academics to contemplate clouds. The editors Dolly Jørgensen and Finn Arne Jørgensen are professors of history and environmental history, respectively, at the University of Stavanger. Reviews CONTEMPORARY ART STAVANGER 04.08.20 Morgenbladet 17.07.20 Forskerforum nr 6/2020 Stavanger Aftenblad 03.06.20 Kunstavisen 26.03.20

An overview of recycling as an activity and a process, following different materials through the waste stream. Recycling, published with MIT Press in 2019. The book is part of the Essential Knowledge series.

RecyclingFinn Arne JørgensenMIT Press208 Pages, 5 x 7 in.November 2019ISBN: 9780262537827 Is there a point to recycling? Is recycling even good for the environment? In this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, Finn Arne Jørgensen answers (drumroll, please): it depends. From a technical point of view, recycling is a series of processes—collecting, sorting, processing, manufacturing. Recycling also has a cultural component; at its core, recycling is about transformation and value, turning material waste into something useful—plastic bags into patio furniture, plastic bottles into T-shirts. Jørgensen offers an accessible and engaging overview of recycling as an activity and as a process at the intersection of the material and the ideological. Jørgensen follows a series of materials as they move back and forth between producer and consumer, continually transforming in form and value, in a never-ceasing journey toward becoming waste. He considers organic waste and cultural contamination; the history of recyclable writing surfaces from papyrus to newsprint; discarded clothing as it moves from the the Global North to the Global South; the shifting fate of glass bottles; the efficiency of aluminum recycling; the many types of plastic and the difficulties of informed consumer choice; e-waste and technological obsolescence; and industrial waste. Finally, re-asking the question posed by John Tierney in an infamous 1996 New York Times article, “is recycling garbage?” Jørgensen argues that recycling is necessary—as both symbolic action and physical activity that has a tangible effect on the real world. MIT Press website: Reviews

New Natures broadens the dialogue between the disciplines of science and technology studies (STS) and environmental history in hopes of deepening and even transforming understandings of human-nature interactions. Published with Pittsburgh University Press in 2013, and co-edited with Dolly Jørgensen and Sara B. Pritchard.

New Natures: Joining Environmental History with Science and Technology StudiesEdited by Dolly Jørgensen, Finn Arne Jørgensen, and Sara B. PritchardUniversity of Pittsburgh Press304 Pages, 6.1 x 9.2 in.July, 2013ISBN: 9780822962427 The volume presents richly developed historical studies that explicitly engage with key STS theories, offering models for how these theories can help crystallize central lessons from empirical histories, facilitate comparative analysis, and provide a language for complicated historical phenomena. Overall, the collection exemplifies the fruitfulness of cross-disciplinary thinking. The chapters follow three central themes: ways of knowing, or how knowledge is produced and how this mediates our understanding of the environment; constructions of environmental expertise, showing how expertise is evaluated according to categories, categorization, hierarchies, and the power afforded to expertise; and lastly, an analysis of networks, mobilities, and boundaries, demonstrating how knowledge is both diffused and constrained and what this means for humans and the environment. Contributors explore these themes by discussing a wide array of topics, including farming, forestry, indigenous land management, ecological science, pollution, trade, energy, and outer space, among others. The epilogue, by the eminent environmental historian Sverker Sörlin, views the deep entanglements of humans and nature in contemporary urbanity and argues we should preserve this relationship in the future. Additionally, the volume looks to extend the valuable conversation between STS and environmental history to wider communities that include policy makers and other stakeholders, as many of the issues raised can inform future courses of action. Table of contents.

My 2011 book on the history of beverage container recycling, published with Rutgers University Press.

Making a Green Machine: The Infrastructure of Beverage Container RecyclingFinn Arne JørgensenRutgers University Press208 Pages, 6 x 9 in.July 2011ISBN: 9780813550541 Consider an empty bottle or can, one of the hundreds of billions of beverage containers that are discarded worldwide every year. Empty containers have been at the center of intense political controversies, technological innovation processes, and the modern environmental movement. Making a Green Machine examines the development of the Scandinavian beverage container deposit-refund system, which has the highest return rates in the world, from 1970 to present. Finn Arne Jørgensen investigates the challenges the system faced when exported internationally and explores the critical role of technological infrastructures and consumer convenience in modern recycling. His comparative framework charts the complex network of business and political actors involved in the development of the reverse vending machine (RVM) and bottle deposit legislation to better understand the different historical trajectories empty beverage containers have taken across markets, including the U.S. The RVM has served as more than a hole in the wall–it began simply as a tool for grocers who had to handle empty refillable glass bottles, but has become a green machine to redeem the empty beverage container, helping both business and consumers participate in environmental actions. Press website: Reviews

Engasjerte forskere fra mange fagfelt utforsker våre oppfatninger om den norske hytta, motsetningene som kan oppstå mellom dem, og hvordan vi kan forstå forholdet mellom hytter, miljø og samfunnsutvikling bedre.

Norske hytter i endring: Om bærekraft og behagHelen Jøsok Gansmo, Thomas Berker og Finn Arne Jørgensen (red.)Tapir Academic Press2011ISBN: 9788251927901 Hytta er et fristed, et familiested og en måte å være i naturen på – men den kan også være en stressfaktor, et strengt regulert sosialt felt og et økende miljøproblem. – Hva kan hyttelivet fortelle om samspillet mellom samfunn og teknologi?- Hvordan påvirkes det moderne hyttelivet av muligheten til å drive et aktivt friluftsliv?- Hva er drivkreftene bak hytteutviklingen- Hvilke konsekvenser skaper de nye fritidsboligene for naturen, for samfunnet rundt og for måten vi lever på? Denne boken diskuterer disse spørsmålene. Engasjerte forskere fra mange fagfelt utforsker våre oppfatninger om den norske hytta, motsetningene som kan oppstå mellom dem, og hvordan vi kan forstå forholdet mellom hytter, miljø og samfunnsutvikling bedre. Reviews
