I have 20+ years experience with teaching in higher education in several countries. I was named a Merited Teacher at University of Stavanger in 2021 and at Umeå University in 2016.

Teaching digital history in Humlab X at the Umeå University Arts Campus, 2015.

I am professor of environmental history at Department of Cultural Studies and Languages at University of Stavanger. I have extensive teaching experience at all levels of the educational system, from introductory and undergraduate courses to PhD courses, including serving as the course responsible at all levels. I have taught for more than 20 years, primarily at University of Stavanger, Umeå University, and Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and I have also given guest lectures at other universities in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, and USA. In 2016, I was named a merited teacher at Umeå University. In 2021, I was named a merited teacher also at University of Stavanger.

My teaching has primarily been based within history as a discipline, but often for students within a wide range of disciplines, in humanities, teacher education, engineering, design, and architecture. My teaching practice, especially in the last decade, is also characterized by active and pioneering use of new technologies to facilitate student-active learning, as well as creative use of physical learning environments.

Teaching Experience

  1. “Doing Environmental Humanities in a Digital World” (5 ECTS PhD course). Online, 2020. Course responsible. University of Stavanger/Norwegian Researcher School in Environmental Humanities).
  2. Master Seminar in History. 2018-2021 (course responsible). University of Stavanger.
  3. “Europeisk historie fra antikken til nytid” (15 ECTS History course, Bachelor). 2017-2019. University of Stavanger.
  4. “Historisk teori, metode og forskningslitteratur” (15 ECTS History course, MA level). 2017. University of Stavanger.
  5. “Digitale og multimodale historier: Mediers betydning for historieoppfatning og –formidling” (15 ECTS History course, MA level). 2017, 2018 (course responsible), 2019-20. University of Stavanger.
  6. “Vann- og miljøhistorie” (15 ECTS History course, MA level, 2018-2021. University of Stavanger.
  7. “Digital History” (7,5 ECTS History of Ideas course, MA level). Online, spring 2016. Course responsible. Umeå University.
  8. “The Anthropocene – A History of the World” (7,5 ECTS History of Ideas course, MA and PhD level) Faculty of Humanities profile course, Umeå University. Online, spring 2015, fall 2016. Course responsible.
  9. “Historisk metod” (7,5 ECTS History course, PhD level). Campus, fall 2015. Co-teacher responsible for digital methods for historians. Umeå University.
  10. “Teknikens idéhistoria” (7,5 ECTS, History of Technology introductory course, undergraduate), Umeå University. Online, spring semesters 2013—2016. Course responsible.
  11. “Medier, teknik, och idéer” (7,5 ECTS History of Media Technology, undergraduate), Umeå University. Campus, spring semesters 2012—2016. Online, fall semesters 2013—2016. Course responsible.
  12. “Tematisk läskurs i idéhistoria” (7,5 ECTS Historiographical graduate course in history of ideas), fall 2014. Course responsible.
  13. “Kiruna – Norrland – världen: humanistiska perspektiv på människan och naturresurserna,” (7,5 ECTS History of Ideas, online, graduate), spring 2014, summer 2015-16. Lectures on history of mining.
  14. “Digital History: The theory and practice of historical thinking in the digital age,” (7,5 ECTS Nordic PhD course), Umeå University. Campus/online hybrid, 2013. Course responsible.
  15. “Design Fictions and Design Histories: Exploring the Past Futures and Future Pasts of Technological Gadgets,” (6 ECTS PhD course), Umeå Institute of Design. Campus, 2013. Course Responsible.
  16. “Perspektiv på miljöhistoria” (7,5 ECTS, Perspectives on Environmental History, undergraduate), Umeå University. Online, 2010. Course responsible.
  17. “Ting og tegn” (7,5 ECTS, History of Technology introductory course, undergraduate), Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Campus, 2002-2010. Lecturer for up to half the course.
  18. “Teknologi, vitenskap og samfunnsendring,” (7,5 ECTS Science and Technology Studies undergraduate course), Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Campus, 2002. Lecturer.
  19. “Teknologi og vitenskap i bruk,” (2,5 ECTS Science and Technology Studies undergraduate course), Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Campus, 2001. Lecturer.

Current PhD students

  1. Primary advisor, PhD student Sebastian Lundsteen Nielsen, “Submergence”, in progress 2020-2023. University of Stavanger.
  2. Primary advisor, PhD student Mehdi Torkaman Momeni, “Green with a Screen”, in progress 2020-2023. University of Stavanger.
  3. Co-advisor (15%), PhD student Johana Montalvan Castilla, “Children and a Smart Sustainable City,” in progress 2020-2023. University of Stavanger.

Former PhD students

  1. Primary advisor, PhD student Peter Bennesved, “’Att acceptera grottillvaron’ – Hur civilförsvaret inkorporerade modernitetens konsekvenser i det svenska stadslandskapet.” History of Science and Ideas, Umeå University, 2014-2020 (defended November 6, 2020)
  2. Primary advisor, PhD student Tomas Karlsson, “Den simulerade krigaren – en stereotyp historia? Om förhållandet mellan dataspel och historiemedvetande,” History, Umeå University, 2011-2018 (defended April 27, 2018).
  3. Co-advisor (50%), PhD student Håkon Stokland, “Restoring the Wolf to Norway – and Norway to the Wild?” Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture (History/Science and Technology Studies), Norwegian University of Science and Technology. 2010-2015 (defended May 12, 2015).
  4. Co-advisor, dr.lic. student Andreas Vesterberg, “När nya medier tar plats i undervisningen,” Educational History, Umeå University, 2012-2014 (defended May 27, 2014).